The second day in Vik, we didn't really have anything concrete planned apart from an 'Icelandic Beach Day' at Rennisfjara Black Sand Beach which felt absolutely amazing.
On this trip we fully experienced the fire and ice side of Iceland by visiting an erupting volcano just days before and then visiting an ice cave in a glacier before noon.
The downtime almost felt deserved.
But we're in Iceland and so downtime doesn't mean just relaxing at our hotel (we had plans for that at the tail end of our trip) so we set out to explore more of the local sights in Vik.
Our guide to the snow cave the day before had said that the mountains around Vic were great for seeing puffins but that it looked like we could drive would also be one that we would probably have to go up unless we drove 4 x. 4.
I looked at that mountain and decided that puffins weren't going to be part of our plan because as cute as they are, hiking up this huge mountain to see the birds didn't seem like something we wanted to do.
Little did we know it would be a lot easier than that.
Anyway, so we went to a more accessible site near Vik – Reynisfjara black sand beach and its iconic basalt columns of Reynisfjara.
Rennisfjara black sand beach is really one where you need to visit with caution.
It is one of the most dangerous places to visit in Iceland because the waves on this beach look like they are okay but they are very powerful and can pull people out to sea.
It's like the first one knocks people down and then the other one pulls them up before they get their bearings together.
That's a very basic way of describing it but if you want more details about this you should google 'sneaker waves in Iceland'.
So yes, Reynisfjara black sand beach is spectacular, but you should definitely keep a safe distance from the shore here.
And don't think that the safe distance is where other people are.
Many people ignore this and some people don't even know so make that decision sensibly when you visit and not on the judgment of others on the day itself.
Caveats aside, it's an absolutely incredible beach to visit and a day like this with dramatic weather makes it even more incredible.
However the rain was coming down almost sideways and soon it started, so we got back in the car and headed to the nearby Dyrol Arch.
Dyrhólaey is this amazing rock formation that's like an arch with a hole in it and for some reason, we've never been able to find it on previous trips.
Sounds ridiculous but there is another incredible viewpoint that we always get distracted by and that is the Rennisfjara Black Sand Beach Viewpoint.
It overlooks a black sand beach and is very beautiful.
So again, we went there in search of Dyrhole Arch and we were absolutely delighted – there were hundreds of puffins.
I know I've sounded a bit squeamish about puffins before but I think they might be my favorite birds.
They are so beautiful, I find them so fascinating and it was amazing to see them next to us when we weren't looking for them.
We are the closest we have ever been to puffins and we have been to many places around the world in search of them.
Leaving the puffins, I remembered that we still hadn't gone to see Dyrhole Arch and decided that we had to move on as it seemed like our only other option to find it.
There was no way we could make the trip all the way to Rennisfjara black sand beach and miss Dyrhole Arch again, especially when we know how incredible it really is.
Another road would have taken us back to the main motorway and we didn't want to go back there just yet.
Turns out I was right and Dyrhole Arch was right above that mountain pass.
There is a car park close by and it is a short walk to the viewpoint.
Dyrhólaey arch is absolutely magnificent and so huge.
It was also incredibly windy, which now looked like a mini hurricane, so after taking in the view, we got back in the car and headed to our next hotel – The Landhotel, which would be like a mini stop. for the evening before making our way to the retreat at The Blue Lagoon.
I'll show you all about it because a retreat at the Blue Lagoon in Iceland is quite literally a treat!
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